Uniform initialization in C++ 11

to solve the existing problems, language standard has introduced uniform initialization in C++ 11. This new…

Callable Objects: Using std::function and std::bind

C++11 introduces a notion of callable objects. These objects include, not only function pointers and function…

std::any in C++

This class std::any in C++ is like a container and it saves a variable or object…


When the expression in static_assert evaluates to value "False" then, it the program will not compile.…

constexpr in C++ explained in detail

The constexpr is a keyword present in C++11. This keyword indicates a constant value or a…

Smart Pointers : Implementation of unique_ptr & auto_ptr

The auto_ptr is one of the simplest smart pointers. This pointer internally manages a resource and…

Explain nullptr and nullptr_t

nullptr do not have either an integral type or even a pointer type. The actual type…

auto in C++: Understand the details

The auto in C++ is a new keyword which helps to define any variable or function.…

decltype in C++: Understand the details

The keyword decltype in c++, returns the data type of an expression or variable. This keyword…

Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP)

CRTP is a technique of achieving static polymorphism. And this technique is also called F-bound polymorphism…

Copy Constructor and Move Constructor: Test with vector

Copy constructor and move constructor are different. The Copy constructor creates a fresh copy of resources…

Rule of Three

Rule of three corresponds to automatic generation of 3 special member functions – constructor, destructor and…