Fold Expressions in C++ 17

Fold expressions is a new feature in C++17. This feature is related to variadic arguments of…

File Handling in C++17 (Part-I) : Basic Concepts

File handling is a special topic in C++17. This is because, the C++17 file-related features were…

File Handling in C++ 17 (Part-II) : Filesystem Path Operations

In C++17, the filesystem path object is capable of doing a rich set of operations. The…

Using auto as Template Parameter

The C++17 allows using auto as template parameter. The parameter shall become a non-type in this…

Class Template Argument Deduction in C++17

from C++17, this rule is relaxed and there is concept of class template argument deduction. Therefore,…

What is Copy Elision, RVO & NRVO?

Copy elision is an optimization technique in which the compiler ignores the class's copy and move…

Compile Time “if” statement

Compile time if is a C++17 syntax which causes compiler to evaluate the given "if" expression…

Lambda in C++ 17 : New Updates

Lambda in C++ 17 has new changes feature list. They are now better and more suited…

std::any in C++

This class std::any in C++ is like a container and it saves a variable or object…