Vector in C++: STL Containers

Vector in C++ is a type of STL container which is used for storing elements in…

Fold Expressions in C++ 17

Fold expressions is a new feature in C++17. This feature is related to variadic arguments of…

Template type deduction in functions

instantiate the templates without specifying template type. The compiler can itself performs template type deduction by…

std::chrono in C++ 11

However, in C++ 11, there is concept of std::chrono( ) which give flexibility of getting date…

Thread Synchronization with Mutex : C++ Multithreading

to understand Race condition lets take an example of multithreaded application which has no thread synchronization…

What is Copy Elision, RVO & NRVO?

Copy elision is an optimization technique in which the compiler ignores the class's copy and move…

What is a Tuple, a Pairs and a Tie in C++

to make the data more and more organized, C++11 has introduced a new concept of tuple.…

Compile Time “if” statement

Compile time if is a C++17 syntax which causes compiler to evaluate the given "if" expression…

Difference between using and typedef in C++

the main difference between using and typedef in C++ specifically relates to templates. Whenever, the program…

Lambda in C++ 11

Lambda in C++ consist of expressions (called Lambda expressions). These expressions cause compilers to generate internal…

Lambda in C++ 17 : New Updates

Lambda in C++ 17 has new changes feature list. They are now better and more suited…

Generic Lambda in C++ 14

Generic Lambda in C++ 14 is a feature similar to templates. This was not present in…